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Locally grown organic microgreens delivered to your doorstep

On Santa Maria Island we carefully produce organic microgreens - your new favourite food that can be added to any dish or meal to add extra flavour and a good dose of nutrients!


If you would like to order microgreens, please contact us on 91 741 87 37, use the form at the bottom of the

page or contact us on Facebook or Instagram.

Follow us on Instagram & Facebook to keep up to date!


Organic pea microgreens - 30g - 5€

From the bean family, the pea inherits the sweet taste.
These little organic pea shoots are loaded with good stuff: protein and fiber, vitamins A, B and C, and minerals like potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur and copper.
They are a good energy source and helping maintain muscle mass.

Its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant characteristics are proven, making it a great choice to strengthen the immune system.
Serving suggestion: They look beautiful on any dish, and go well with soups, salads or even over a vegetable "feijoada"!

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Organic sunflower microgreens - 30g - 5€

Vegetable protein sources with essential amino acids and a high percentage of fiber. Rich in B group vitamins (essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system), E and C (powerful antioxidants and help to detoxify the liver), D, folic acid, iron, selenium, zinc, copper, iodine, potassium, magnesium and still omega 6!

The leaves of these microgreens are robust and crunchy, with a slight nutty flavor.

Serving suggestion: on pizza, sandwiches, salads, savory crepes or in pasta sauce.


Organic beet sprouts - 30g - 5€

For us, the most beautiful!

They have an incredible texture and aroma - of tender green leaves and magenta stems - and with a strong and concentrated flavor.

  They help detoxify, delay aging, lower blood sugar and cholesterol. 

Serving suggestion: in your juices, hummus, over a fish cerviche or in salads and protein shakes.


Organic coriander microgreens- 30g - 5€

If you like coriander, you have to try these microgreens, with a fresh and very concentrated coriander flavor.

These microgreens help in motility and production of gastric secretions. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. An infusion of its leaves helps to combat some types of migraines. Rich in iron and vitamin C, coriander has 4 times more carotene and 3 times more calcium than parsley.

Serving suggestion: add them to curry dishes, soups with carrots and/or pumpkin and on toast and savory crepes.


Organic  broccoli microgreens - 30g - 5

Known as the "medicine food", these microgreens contain up to 40 times more nutrients per weight when compared to adult broccoli. At this stage, sulforaphane (activator of biological processes that produce antioxidant proteins) reaches its peak. Sulfuran hinders the multiplication of cancer cells, reduces inflammation, alleviates the effects of diabetes, slows down the speed of cell aging and helps in the recovery of neurological cells! If you only want to pick one - this is the most powerful one!

Serving suggestion: over a mushroom risotto, sandwiches and salads.

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Organic red mustard sprouts - 30g - 5

Mustard flavor, with red leaves, green stained, tender and spicy. Rich in protein and carbohydrates. They have folate, zinc, iron and calcium, vitamins A, B and C and mineral salts that stimulate blood circulation and act as a muscle analgesic. This microgreen fights and prevents bronchitis, asthma, colds, rheumatism, abscesses, bladder inflammation, ulcers, pain in general and other gastrointestinal problems. Mustard helps with fever and colds.

Serving suggestion: great with eggs, potato and sautéed vegetables, salads and sandwiches. They excel in combinations with carpaccio or raw fish and combined with cold meat or fish dishes and Asian cuisine.

Proven benefits associated with the consumption of microgreens


What are microgreens?

Germinated foods (aka sprouts or buds) are live foods of plant origin that undergo a development process – germination – and are characterized as foods whose seed germinated to form a new plant.

Sprouts are of plant origin and belong to various food groups such as legumes, vegetables and oilseeds.

The application of sprouts is varied and they can be consumed raw and cooked. Its versatility allows us to use microgreens in juices and smoothies, salads, soups, pastes and sauces, stews or casseroles, for example. However, when they are included in recipes that involve the application of heat (such as soups, stews and other hot dishes), microgreens should only be added at the end of cooking to avoid losing their nutritional properties.

The transformations that occur in the germination process make these foods special and allow them to enter the field of “functional foods” due to the numerous benefits for human health. The great bioavailability and ease of absorption of the nutrients present in them, in addition to being able to be consumed in different ways, are reasons why microgreens should have a more prominent place in your nutrition.


Who we are

Hello, we are your microgreen farmers

Legumaria® is a small microgreens farm, focused on serving the local community with very fresh, organic and nutrient-rich products. In order to avoid waste, we manage production based on orders. 



Please contact 91 741 87 37 to order or fill your email below and we will contact you to collect your order and arrange delivery.


  • 30g of organic microgreens of your choice (sunflower, arugula, peas, coriander, broccoli, beetroot, red mustard or a mix made up of several microgreens) = 5€;

  • Delivery = €0.75;

Payment is made upon delivery by MbWay or in cash.


  • Monthly subscription (delivery of 30g per week per month) = €24.30 (save €4.95/month).

  • Quarterly subscription (delivery of 30g per week per 3 months) = 65€ (save €7.58/month).

Payment for subscription packages is made on the delivery of the box by MbWay or in cash.

Soon you will have news from us ;)


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Follow us on Instagram @Legumaria

Santa Maria, Açores

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